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Harbour of Hoorn in 1892 by Chr. Pieter Visser
(Uitgeverij Ploegsma, Amsterdam 1978)


    The Kwaad surname site is intended as a place where information is assembled and made freely available online for everyone who is interested in the history of the family Kwaad and in the origin and meaning of the name Kwaad.

    What has been achieved sofar?

    The ancestors of the living generations of the Dutch family Kwaad have been traced back till 1735 in Enkhuizen. Around that time a German by the name of  Frans Quade had settled in Enkhuizen. He was to be the founder of the family Kwaad in The Netherlands. During two centuries, members of the family Kwaad lived exclusively in the region 'West-Friesland', mostly in the towns Enkhuizen, Medemblik and Hoorn. A nearly complete genealogy has been set up of all male descendants of Frans Quade. The  family tree  can be viewed online.

    Some preliminary results regarding the meaning and origin of the surname Quade-Kwaad  can also be viewed online. It is clear, that the Dutch surname Kwaad derives from the German surname Quade. But Quade also occurs as a surname on the British Isles. In the U.S.A. many thousands of Quade's are living, who are descendants of immigrants from Germany and the British Isles.

    Surnames in the Kwaad family tree

    The following variants of the names Kwaad and Quade were found in the archives: Quade, Quaden, Quaad, Qwaad, van Quaeden, van Quaaden, de Quaden, den Quade, den Quaade, van de Quaade, van Kwaden, Kwaat,  Kwaad, Kwand.

    Other surnames occurring in the Kwaad family tree are: Admiraal, Akkerman, Bakker, van Beeren, Blokker, Bos, van den Bosch, Breed, den Broeder, Broersen, Cabri, van Diest, van Duijn, Dijkstra, Edelbos, Eijken, Fermie, Fijma, van Geelen, Gerritsen,  Groenewoud, Groot, Ham, Haremaker, Harms, Heere, Henningen, Hermarij, Hesseling, van den Hoek, Hoekma, Hombroek, Hooij, Huhl, van den Idsert, Ihns, Jacobs, Jans, Johanisse, de Jong, de Jongh, Kaag, Karel, Katuin, Keet, Keppel, Kleiss, Koop, Koopman, Kouwenhoven, Kralen, Kresits, Lasschuit, Laverman, Leegwater, Lewitt, van der Linden, Luikman, Mantel, Marten, McDermott, Mebius, Miedema, Molenaar, van der Molen, Muller, Owens, Parmeter, Pater, Pharris, van de Plasse, Postma, Raap, de Ringh, Rotteveel, Ruijter, van Rijn, Schalke, van der Schaft, Schouten, Shoemaker, Sierkstra, Sipkes, Snijders, Solkes, Sparacia, Spijker, Stajos, Stal, Stapert,  Swalef, Swier, Tjiong, Tros, Ursem, Veer, Verberne, Vermeulen, Verbeek, de Vries, Vis, van der Vis, Walst, Waterland, Wellinga, Westenborg, Wijdenes, Zandbergen, Zoutewelle, Zijlstra

    Where to go from here?

    A major goal for further research is to find more information about the German ancestors of the Dutch family Kwaad. A problem is, that, whereas the Dutch family Kwaad is a relatively small family and everyone bearing the name Kwaad belongs to that family, in Germany there are many Quade's who are not all related. Therefore close cooperation is needed with researchers of the surname  Quade.

    Another, related,  research goal is to clarify the origin of the name.

    A third possible goal can be to follow the female line of descendants of Frans Quade.

    What can you expect?

    You can expect the joy and excitement of sharing your knowledge with other people and get interesting new information in return. In the process you get to know other people with whom you have something in common. In short, it is fun.

    Frans Kwaad is the coordinator of the KWAAD surname site.
    To get in touch with him click on his name.

    Copyright 1999, All rights reserved. Genealogists may use the information provide here freely. This page, and the information it provides may not be copied for commercial use af any kind.