Figuur 2.3. De gemiddelde hoogwater
kromme voor de
zuidelijke Noordzee (naar Jensen e.a.,1993) en de gemiddelde
wereldtemperatuur (volgens Barth & Titus,1984 ) over de laatste
1000 jaar illustreert dat stijging en daling van de mondiale
temperatuur samengaat met stijging en daling van het gemiddeld
hoogwater (HW).
2 (German North Sea coast):
Abb. 3: Meeresspiegel an der südlichen Nordseeküste
(aus K.-E. BEHRE, Probleme der Küstenforschung, Bd.28,
Isensee-Verlag, Oldenburg, 2003)
See also the critical
comments on Behre's sea level curve for the southern North Sea (2003,
2004, 2007) by Baeteman, Waller and Kiden (2011) and Bungenstock and
Weerts (2010, 2012), and Behre's response (2012).
Waller and Kiden (2011) conclude that the high-amplitude middle and
late Holocene sea-level fluctuations identified by Behre (2003, 2007)
are highly unlikely to be real features of the sea-level history of the
southern North Sea.
North Sea coast of the
Netherlands and Belgium
An old question (1950's) is, whether the
succession of marine clay
and peat layers in the Western part of the Netherlands and Belgium is
an indication of fluctuations of sea level during the second half of
the Holocene (Atlanticum-Subboreal-Subatlanticum). These clay and peat
layers were considered in the past as reflecting phases of
transgression and regression of the sea. In 1954 a special issue of the
Dutch journal "Geologie en Mijnbouw" appeared about "Quaternary changes
in level especially in the Netherlands". Below are two figures, viz. by
Van Straaten en Bennema, taken from this issue. They show that already
in 1954 the first 'smoothers' and 'wigglers' regarding sea level rise
were present.
Sea level
rise in the Netherlands according to Van Straaten (1954; left) and
Bennema (1954; right). Right click on the figures for larger images.
Recently, as more
C14-datings of the marine clay and peat layers became available at more
locations in the Netherlands and Belgium, it has become clear, that
no specific periods or phases of trans- and regression of the sea can
be recognized that have occurred synchronously along the entire Dutch
and Belgian
coast (the so-called Calais and Duinkerke Deposits).
And that therefore these marine clay and peat layers can no longer be
considered as evidence of fluctuations of sea level along the Dutch and
Belgian coast during the Atlanticum-Subboreal-Subatlanticum. In fact,
in the Netherlands no evidence at all for fluctuations of sea level
during the Atlanticum-Subboreal-Subatlanticum has been found so far.
Weerts, H.;
Cleveringa, P.; Westerhoff, W.; Vos, P. (2006): Nooit
Groot, Westerhoff, and Bosch, 1996 wrote about this in 1996 (pp.
"In the Netherlands, the rate of relative sea-level rise during the
last 2000 years is poorly known, mainly because of the lack of
well-datable material associated with sea-level markers concerning that
"Over the last 2000 years there has been non coastal progradation in
the western part of the Netherlands and no palaeo sea-level markers
were formed."
Here is their Figure 6 of the palaeo Mean High Water (MHW) trend over
the last 2000 years on the Frisian Islands:
2009 (Based on Grinsted
et al. 2009):
Figure 1. Global sea
level from 200 A.D. to 2000, as reconstructed from proxy records of sea
level by Moberg et al. 2005. The thick black line is
reconstructed sea level using tide gauges (Jevrejeva, 2006). The
lightest gray shading shows the 5 - 95% uncertainty in the estimates,
and the medium gray shading denotes the one standard deviation error
estimate. The highest global sea level of the past 110,000 years likely
occurred during the Medieval Warm Period of 1100 - 1200 A.D., when warm
conditions similar to today's climate caused the sea level to rise 5 -
8" (12 - 21 cm) higher than present.
Image credit: Grinsted, A., J.C.
Moore, and S. Jevrejeva, 2009, "Reconstructing sea level from paleo and
projected temperatures 200 to 2100 AD", Climate Dynamics, DOI
10.1007/s00382-008-0507-2, 06 January 2009.
et al., 2009 (Mississippi Delta):
level (North Carolina,
US Atlantic coast):
"Good data on past sea levels is hard to come by. Reconstructing the
huge rise at the end of the last glacial (
meters) is not too bad, because a few meters uncertainty in sea
level or a few centuries in dating don’t matter all that much. But to
trace the subtle variations of the last millennia requires more precise
methods. Andrew Kemp, Ben Horton and Jeff Donnelly have developed such
They use sediments in
salt marshes along the
coast, which get regularly flooded by tides. When sea level rises
the salt marsh grows upwards, because it traps sediments. The sediment
layers accumulating in this way can be examined and dated. Their
altitude as it depends on age already provides a rough sea level
history. But then comes the laborious detail. Although on average the
buildup follows sea level, it sometimes lags behind when sea level
rises rapidly, or catches up when sea level rises more slowly.
Therefore we want to know how high, relative to mean sea level, the
salt marsh was located at any given time. To determine this, we can
exploit the fact that each level within the tidal range is
characterized by a particular set of organisms that live there. This
can be analyzed e.g. from the tiny shells of
foraminifera (or
forams for short) found in the sediment. For this purpose, the species
and numbers of forams need to be determined under the microscope for
each centimeter of sediment. To get a continuous record of good
resolution, we need a site with a
rapid, continuous sea level rise. Kemp and colleagues used salt marshes
in North Carolina, where the land has steadily sunk by about two meters
in the past two millennia due to
adjustment. Thus a roughly 2.5 meters long sediment core
is obtained. The effect of land subsidence later needs to be subtracted
out in order to obtain the sea level rise proper."
Figure caption. Sea level evolution
in North Carolina from proxy data (blue curve with uncertainty range).
Local land subsidence is already removed. The green curve shows a reconstruction based on tide
gauges from around the world (Jevrejeva et al. 2006, 2008). The
red curve shows results from a simple model connecting global
temperature with sea level. For the last millennium the sea level curve
follows what can be expected from temperature – the two independent
reconstructions thus mutually reinforce each other by their
consistency. Before 1000 AD there is a discrepancy: warm temperatures
in the reconstruction used would lead to rising sea level, but the sea
level reconstruction is flat. However, temperature data from before
1000 AD are sparse and less reliable, and lowering temperatures in this
period by only 0.2ºC removes the discrepancy. Thus, a possible
explanation for the discrepancy is that the temperature reconstruction
is a little too warm before 1000 AD.
Behre, K.E., 2013. Die Meeresspiegelschwankungen der vergangenen
Jahrtausende und deren Bedeutung für das Siedlungsgeschehen an der
deutschen Nordseeküste. The sea-level fluctuations over past
millennia and their impact on the settlement process along the German
North Sea coast. Siedlungs- und Küstenforschung im südlichen
Nordseegebiet (SKN), Settlement and Coastal Research in the Southern
North Sea Region (SCN) 36, pp. 13-30.
Bennema, J, 1954. Holocene movements of land and sea-level in the
coastal area of The Netherlands. Geologie en Mijnbouw, Nwe Serie, 16,
6, pp. 254-264.
Van Straaten, L.M.J.U., 1954. Radiocarbon datings and changes of sea
level at Velzen (Netherlands). Geologie en Mijnbouw, Nwe Serie 16, 6,
pp. 247-253.